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Jerry Pierce & Company, JPCVC (VALUE CHIPS  2024) No.2 VC money exchange icon..

Jerry Pierce & Company, JPCVC (VALUE CHIPS 2024) No.2 VC money exchange icon..

As of 9/27/2024 4:00 PM ET

Last Price $2.60

Today’s limited supply - 400 (Number of JPCVC chips available for conversion purposes. The number of JPCVC chips available for conversion purposes on any given day, this number is based upon demand, international money market price fluctuations, and the company’s daily and long term strategic planning objectives.)

Upon the completion of a buyer’s transaction concerning the purchase of this JPCVC chip(s), the buyer will receive an email verifying the number of JPCVC chips ordered. This number will be based upon the most accurate price for this JPCVC chip(s), which is established, based upon the time of completion of the buyer’s transaction. Or, when such transaction has been fully settled.

Click, hold, tap, or swipe the link below to review the charting performance of this JPCVC chip -



The price of this JPCVC chip, it is an adjusted price calculated and based on international money market price fluctuations. Due to such price fluctuations throughout the day, the price of this JPCVC chip as noted in the section labeled “Last Price”, such price is accurate when based on the date and time listed above. The most accurate price for this JPCVC chip, its determination will be established, based on the date and time of the consumer’s purchase of this JPCVC chip(s). Or, when such transaction has been fully settled. With that said, the buyer could be entitled to more JPCVC chips than originally ordered. Or, it is possible that a buyer would be entitled to fewer JPCVC chips than originally ordered. The price of this JPCVC chip is not the same as for a share of TSLA. However, the TSLA intraday performance chart can be relied upon for the purposes of charting the price fluctuations of this JPCVC chip.)

Jerry Pierce & Company,

parent company of SFG WEAR

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